7 journal prompts that'll help you overcome depression

Do you feel depressed or suicidal? Don't worry, everything will be okay :)

Remember, where you are right now isn't where you'll always be. Being depressed might make you feel impotent. You're not. No Matter how worse things are, always remember that you are strong and believe in yourself. 
Along with therapy/medication, there are a lot of other thing you can do to overcome depression. I'll be sharing 7 journal prompts that'll help you overcome depression. 

1. Write down three things that you have achieved today.

It can be anything. Anything that you worked hard for. 
This will help you know yourself better. You'll come to know what you are good at. You'll be amazed by how much you are capable of. It will help you discover your hidden talents. 
Spend more time doing such things, it'll make you happy ;)

2. Write down three or more things that you are thankful for.

It can be a person or an event or literally anything that you are thankful for. This will help you understand that there are things that are worth living for. 

3. Write down three new hobbies you'd like to try.

Trust me, you'll love this one! Hobbies that you'd like to try...that's fun, isn't it? It can anything. Reading, drawing, writing, crafting etc.
After you do so, think about how you can make time for those interests/hobbies.
It is your interests that matter more. So, try to spend time doing things you love. 

4. Write about the happiest time in your life.

The happiest moment of your life, it can be anything. It can be your first achievement, or a surprise b'day party planned by your friends, or a good family get together, anything!
While doing so, recall how happy you were at that time and think about how you can make yourself feel happy again.
No matter what happens, a smile on your face relieves all the tension. You deserve to be happy.

5. Write down your favourite inspirational quote.

What is your favourite inspirational quote? Why did it inspire you? Answer to all these questions and you'll find it helpful. 
Perhaps, you can also create a quote! 
Remember, you're more than what you think you are ;)

6. Write about a time you helped a stranger.

We help numerous people without even realizing. Write about a time when you helped a stranger. Recall how happy you felt while helping them. Think about how happy the stranger must have felt. This will really rise your spirits. ^_^

7. Make a list of ten things that always makes you smile.

And lastly, make a list of then things that make you smile. 
After you do so, think about how happy you felt and how much they meant to you. Think about how you can do those things frequently. 
This will help you realise that there are things that are worth living for. It will definitely help you to make yourself feel better.

But before all that remember that you are worthy. Nothing can let you down. 
Keep saying to yourself 'I have great worth'. You are more than what you think you are.

I hope this article was helpful. Here are warm hugs🤗🤗🤗 you deserve it!
note: I do not own any of the images that I've used, all the credits go to the creator :)
This article was inspired by this pin👇
This is my first post, if my content is similar to other people's, I'm so sorry :(


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