how to keep a diary or a journal and stick to it

Keeping a diary or a journal is a healthy habit.It gives us a chance to know our deep secrets or desires. With a diary, you can get things off your chest. Many of us start a diary but never complete it or stop writing after a certain point of time. so, here are a few tips that will help you to maintain a diary and stick to it.

1. pick a diary with a design that suits you 

 You may choose something that has your favourite colour or is aesthetically pleasing or simply something that inspires you :) 

  2. Keep something beside while you write!

keeping something while you write like a scented candle,tea/coffee, charms etc. The sweet scent will comfort you and bring out inner emotions.candles have been proven to soothe us and also, their light makes them a perfect aid for any relaxation routine. 

3. add small things to your entries 

 I personally love this idea. You can add drawings, photos or dried flowers etc. You can also make small collages. Get creative! 

4. poetry 

 Write poems along with your entries to get more creative! You can make it funny and add words that ryhme with each other. You could also write a short ballad :) 

5.there's no limit on what you can write!

you don't just have to write about the day you had, you can also include the dreams you've had, lists of what you want to do etc.


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