kinds of tea and their benefits

 kinds of tea and their benefits

No matter what season it is, tea is always a tasty beverage. Its benefits are more than just refreshment.

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so, here are recipes and benefits of 6 different kinds of teas. 

1. Hibiscus Tea:

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- Wash the petals of hibiscus and place them in a teapot or mug. 

- Fill the mug or teapot with boiling water and cover it.

- Let the colour from the flowers steep into the water. steep for 10-12 minutes.

- Add honey if required.


- Decreases cancer risks

- Good cholesterol

- Reduces blood pressure

- menstrual cramp relief

- sleep-inducing 

2. Ginger Tea:

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- Cut the ginger into slices and put them in a mug or teapot.

- Fil the mug or teapot with boiling water and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes.

- Add honey or sugar if required.


- Cures sore throat

- Reduces inflammation

- Helps an upset stomach

- Builds immunity

- Helps reduce nausea

3. Chamomile Tea:

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- Wash the chamomile petals carefully and place them in a mug or a teapot.

- Pour boiling water and allow it to steep for 5 minutes.


- Helps with bloating

- Aids digestion

- Sleep-inducing

- Cures cold

- Good for skin and hair

4. Green Tea:


- Pour boiling water over green teabag and leave to infuse for upto 3-4 minutes.


- Good for skin

- Improves oral health

- Helps with allergies

- Treats bloating

5. Chai Tea:

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- Place cardamom, cloves and peppercorns in a resealable plastic bag and crush it.

- Add the powdered spices, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and milk, bring to boil.

- Remove from heat and add the teabags. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes.


- Soothes any pain

- Aids digestion

- Energy booster

- Improves immunity

- Reduces nausea 

6. Black Tea:

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- Boil water.

- Pour the water on to the tea leaves.

- Leave the tea to infuse for 3-4 minutes.

- Filter the tea into tea cups and enjoy!


- Decreases cancer risk

- Helps with headaches

- Protects from diabetes

- Stress reliever

- Reduces blood pressure


so, that's it! Hope this article was helpful :) 


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