Aesthetic Japanese words that you should know

These 26 beautiful Japanese words will make you realise how wonderful the language is.

They describe those moments that are hard to verbalize.
 ~read and enjoy~

                Aesthetic japanese words that
                           You should know 

1. Komorebi 

Meaning: sunlight filtered through leaves
Pronunciation: ko-more-bi

2. Boketto 

Meaning: the act of gazing vacantly into the distance without a thought
Pronunciation: bo-ke-tto

3. Datsuzoku 

Meaning: an escape from your every day routine 
Pronunciation:  dat-su-zo-ku

4. Wabi - sabi

Meaning: art of Imperfect beauty 
Pronunciation: wah-bi-sah-bi

5. Mankai 

Meaning: cherry blossom in full bloom
Pronunciation: man-kai

6. Ukiyo

Meaning: living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life
Pronunciation: oo-ki-yo

7. Kensho

Meaning: the zen experience or enlightenment, when one's own nature is seen for what it truly is 
Pronunciation: ken-sho

8. Natsukashii 

Meaning: bringing back happy memories of the past
Pronunciation: nat-su-ka-shee

9. Shinrinyoku 

Meaning: forest bath; taking a walk in the forest for its restorative benefits 
Pronunciation: shin-rin-yoku

10. Ikigai

Meaning: a reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning 
Pronunciation: iki-gai

11. Tsundoku 

Meaning: buying books and letting them pile up unread
Pronunciation: sun-doh-ku

12. Kouyou
Meaning: leaves changing colour 
Pronunciation: ko-yo

13. Yugen

Meaning: a profound sense of the universe 
Pronunciation: yoo-gen

14. Rakuyo 

Meaning: fallen leaves
Pronunciation: ra-ku-yo

15. Yatta 

Meaning: the state of joy after you accomplish a task
Pronunciation: ya-tta

16. Hitoritabi 

Meaning: travelling alone
Pronunciation: hi-tori-tabi

17. Shinrabansho

Meaning: everything that exists in the universe
Pronunciation: shin-rah-ban-sho

18. Kuidaore 

Meaning: eating yourself into bankruptcy 
Pronunciation: kui-dah-ore

19. Kintsugi 

Meaning: mending broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer 
Pronunciation: kin-su-gi

20. Mono no aware 

Meaning: the poignancy and sadness of transient things
Pronunciation: moh-no-no-ah-wa-reh 

21. Irusu 

Meaning: pretending that nobody's home
Pronunciation: ee-ru-su

22. Shogonai 

Meaning: resigning yourself to a situation 
Pronunciation: sho-go-nai

23. Majime 

Meaning: an earnest, reliable person, who can simply get things done without causing drama
Pronunciation: ma-jii-me

24. Kawaakari 

Meaning: describes the last shinning beam of light on a river at dusk, before nightfall
Pronunciation: ka-waah-kari

25. Age - otori 

Meaning: the bad feeling one gets after a terrible haircut 

26. Tsukimi 

Meaning: viewing the moon
Pronunciation: su-ki-mi

I'm not so good at Japanese, if you find any mistakes, feel free to correct me :)


  1. Really, really mind clearing and it's visible you've done a lot of work. Keep it up!


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